Introducing WordPress 3.6: native support for audio and video embeds, bullet-proof auto save, post locking, a revamped revision browser and improved integrations with Spotify and Rdio.
Native Audio and Video Support
Until now playing audio or video from your Media Library always required the installation of a plugin. With WordPress 3.6 you’ll be able to upload an audio or video file using the normal media uploader. WordPress will ‘magically’ turn those files into something your visitors will be able to play back.

The videos and audio files uploaded can be previewed in the Media Library as well. Supported file formats: MP4, WebM, WMV or FLV files.
Spotify and Rdio embeds
Spotify and Rdio joins the list of services that can be automatically embedded in WordPress.

Improved Auto Save
Never lose a word you’ve written with the improved Auto Save. Whether your power goes out, your browser crashes, or you lose your internet connection, your content is safe. WordPress 3.6 comes with improved auto save functionality which will save posts every 15 seconds (default) in your browser’s local cache.
Custom Navigation Menus Simplified
With the interface overhaul in 3.6 WordPress makes sure custom menus are even easier to add and customise. It has now two tabs, one for editing menus and another to manage locations. Menu items are selected via an new accordion-based interface.

New Improved Revision Comparison
Another great feature in WordPress 3.6 is the ability to compare post revisions. Clicking on post revisions now shows a slider at the top which you can use to revisit old versions of the post and see what has been changed and by whom.

Post Locking
Post Locking comes in handy for websites with multiple authors. If someone else is currently working on a post that you want to edit you’ll get a clear warning and you can take over editing the post. The other user will see a message saying you have taken over.

Log in Notifications
WordPress 3.6 also checks your active session at regular intervals. If you get logged out or your session gets expired you no longer are redirected to the Login screen when saving a post. Now it opens the notification in a pop-window darkens the screen you were working at.

Under the Hood
- Audio/Video API – The new audio/video APIs give developers access to powerful media metadata, like ID3 tags.
- Semantic Markup – Developers can now choose improved HTML5 markup for comment forms, search forms, and comment lists.
- JavaScript Utilities – Handy JavaScript utilities ease common tasks like Ajax requests, templating, and Backbone view management.
- Shortcode Improvements – Search content for shortcodes with has_shortcode() and adjust shortcode attributes with a new filter.
- Revision Control – Fine-grained revision controls allow you to keep a different number of revisions for each post type.
- External Libraries – New and updated libraries: MediaElement.js, jQuery 1.10.2, jQuery UI 1.10.3, jQuery Migrate, Backbone 1.0.