9 April 2015 | Studio News

What’s Good Websites been up to? – March 2015

Here’s a little recap of what we’ve been busy with in the month of March.

Server Upgrade

This month we moved all our client websites to a brand new hosting server. Now with solid state drives (SSDs) for even faster download speed.

website page speed

Up and Running

Kid Country

Up and running the responsive One Page website for Kid Country (Tauranga, New Zealand).

screenshot kidcountry one page website

Full Flava

Up and running the responsive One Page website for Full Flava (Tauranga, New Zealand).

screenshot full flava one page website

Sneak Peeks

Some nice projects in the pipeline we’re working on. Have a peek.

sneak peek upstairs apartment

From the blog this month

Google’s giving ‘mobile-friendly’ websites priority in mobile searches

Google officially announced they are due to release a mobile ranking algorithm update this month. What this means is that mobile-friendly websites will be given a higher ranking within search results conducted on a mobile device.

6 Reasons Why You Should Switch to a Responsive Website Design Now

Check out our 6 reasons why you should switch to a responsive website now.

What is Responsive Web Design?

Today more and more people are browsing websites from mobile devices so it’s even more important to provide them with a consistent website experience no matter what device they are using. This is where responsive web design comes in.

Other news you should know

.nz domain

Monday 30th March at 1 PM the Preferential Registrations or Reservations for the shorter .nz ended. Around 300.000 domain names came available for general registration (first-come, first-served).


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