11 May 2015 | Studio News

What’s Good Websites been up to? – April 2015

Here’s a little recap of what we’ve been busy with in the month of April.

A big hello

To our new clients Absolute Party Hire (Papamoa) and Car Air BOP (Mount Maunganui).

WordPress core upgrade

April was a busy times for the WordPress upgrades. With a security upgrade to version 4.1.2 and version 4.2 just a few days after that followed with a version 4.2.1 security update (and another maintenance and security update early May bringing WordPress to version 4.2.2).
wordpress 4.2 upgrade

Sneak Peeks

Check out some awesome projects we’re working on.

One Page websites landing page
One Page websites landing page

From the blog this month

Google’s giving ‘mobile-friendly’ websites priority in mobile searches

Google officially announced they are due to release a mobile ranking algorithm update this month. What this means is that mobile-friendly websites will be given a higher ranking within search results conducted on a mobile device.

WordPress robots.txt update

A robots.txt file communicates with search engines. The way Google crawls websites has changed quite a bit over the last few years. Time for an update of the robots.txt file for our WordPress websites.

What’s new in WordPress 4.2

WordPress 4.2 was released this week. This new release contains several improvements such as an improved ‘Press This’, extended Characters support, better plugin upgrades and Tumblr and Kickstarter oEmbed support

Other news you should know

Google’s mobile-friendly update – Biggest news happening in April was Google mobile ranking algorithm update. What this meant is that mobile-friendly websites are given a higher ranking within search results conducted on a mobile device. Rolling out the mobile-friendly update.

Not only Google focuses on mobile-friendly websitesBing Now Showing Mobile Friendly Label In Mobile Results – If you search using Bing on your mobile device, Bing may now start labeling mobile-ready web pages as mobile-friendly, similar to Google. And in case you’re wondering why you should care about Bing. The Search Engine commands about 19% of the global search market share.
