This month we’ve collected 15 more tips which you can do right now to improve your website.
15 More tips for a good website – Issue no. 3
Write your description tag for humans
Although Google indexes your meta description, it doesn’t use it as a ranking factor. In other words, you’re not going to get higher rankings with some sizzling genius of a keyword-focused description tag. A description is there for your users, and Google looks at the description to display to users on the SERP.
Publish new quality content at least once a week
Not only does Google look at all your content, but they turn their Googlebot heads whenever you publish new content. Keep the bots happy by producing quality content at least every week.
Create a usable, readable, searchable URL
E-commerce about page. It’s Your story, So Tell It – Honestly
Your customers want to know what your e-commerce company is all “about,” so your About Us page should tell them what you do and why. Give consumers the information about your company in a compelling, yet honest way. Make them laugh . . . or cry. Let your customers know where you’ve been, where you are and how you got there. What problems did you face? How did you overcome them?
Internal linking main purposes
- Aids in website navigation
- Defines the architecture and hierarchy of a website
- Distributes page authority and ranking power throughout the site
Standout with your product page. Include beautiful images.
Product descriptions aren’t just about text. Images play a big part in converting shoppers too. Avoid using the generic product photos sent by the manufacturer. Your goal here is to stand out, not blend in with the rest of the stores in your niche.
Duplicate content concerns?
Googlebot visits most sites every day. If it finds a copied version of something a week later on another site, it knows where the original appeared. Googlebot doesn’t get angry and penalize. It moves on. That’s pretty much all you need to know.
The anatomy of an unbreakable password
Use only one Heading Level 1 (H1) on a page
Use social networks as marketing tools
Social networks could be considered ‘extensions’ for your website. Where a website usually is about sending information, the social platforms are used as marketing tools for that website.
Make it Responsive
Reduce the number of form fields
Make your footer a mini sitemap
If you have a large site, you should make your footer a mini sitemap of its own. When users can’t find what they’re looking for in the header, they’re going to look in the footer.
Reserve the header for your most important content links and use the footer for all others.
The most important element: Trust
Most visitors won’t take an action (or even linger long) on a website which they don’t feel is trustworthy.
Looking for ranking hacks?
OK, I’m going to give you one. Make your content, and the experience of consuming that content, unbelievably good. That’s step one.
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Thank you this was very helpful!