Design Questionnaire

Just some simple questions to help indicate what kind of design you are looking for in your new website.

Please take your time and fill in the form in as much detail as you can. If a question doesn’t apply to you, then skip on to the next. The more details you can provide, the better.

Fields marked with an * are required.

The basics

website design info

eg. fresh, lively, conservative, energetic, etc…
Please provide some websites you like and why they are attractive to you?
Please provide some of your main competitors’ websites.
Do you have existing business cards or other printed material we need to match?
eg. easy to look at, edgy/grungy/distressed, classic/traditional, crisp, modern, professional, friendly, funky, prestigious, corporate, trustworthy, innovative, bright & bold, calming, elegant, clean/minimal, organic, dark, warmth, affordable/cheap

further resources

Additional Notes / Comments

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.